Story Explorer:
Drama workshops for
World Book Week 2025

Nursery - Year 6
Led by a professional drama facilitator
Literacy, World Book Week
Delivered in your school hall

Experience stories from a new perspective using the techniques of professional theatre

Story Explorer workshops empower children from Nursery to Year 6 to explore popular books, traditional tales and fairytales first-hand, by embodying the characters and reimagining the story's world. For World Book Day (Thursday 6 March) and between 24 February and 14 March 2025, workshops are available with our special selection of book titles.

With the guidance of an expert drama facilitator, the children use drama exercises and activities to imagine and explore the characters, context and topics from new angles. During the sessions children look at the story as a whole before delving into the story’s setting and imagining how the characters move, feel and think.

Schools can choose up to three books from our Book Week selection to focus on during the workshops. Each drama workshop can last between 35 and 90 minutes depending on your chosen tale, and we can work with children from EYFS to KS2.

Created by:
Abigail Rosser
Find out more about our creatives.

  • We work with children in their usual classes.
  • Sessions are 35 to 40 minutes for Reception, 35 to 60 minutes for KS1 and 50 to 90 minutes for KS2.
  • We can work with up to six classes per day.
  • To work with fewer classes we can visit for just an afternoon or morning session.
  • To work with more than seven classes we can visit across multiple days.
  • We will send you a suggested timetable when you enquire and we can work with you to create a timetable that works for your school day.

  • To think critically about the story by experiencing it first-hand.
  • To expand vocabulary and develop a stronger command of spoken English.
  • To develop creative ownership and the imagination by working alongside a professional actor-facilitator.
  • To explore different ways of communicating, both verbally and physically.


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Watch us in action!

Get a flavour of the West End in Schools experience with our new workshop highlights video.

This year, World Book Day will be celebrated on Thursday 6 March 2025, and between 24 February and 14 March, we’ll be running workshops inspired by our specially chosen selection of children’s books. For a wider range of books available outside of these dates, please head to our Story Explorer page.

Book Options

Little Red Riding Hood
Traditional Tale
Nursery, Reception, KS1, LKS2
The Tiger Who Came to Tea
by Judith Kerr
Nursery, Reception, KS1
The Rainbow Fish
by Marcus Pfister
Nursery, Reception, KS1
George's Marvellous Medicine
by Roald Dahl
Nursery, Reception, KS1, LKS2, UKS2
The Book of Legends
by Lenny Henry
Leonora Bolt: Secret Inventor
by Lucy Brandt
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