Drama Workshops for Primary Schools

Creative, cross-curricular workshops exploring class topics

Primary school drama workshops led by professional actors

Popular drama workshops | Drama workshops by theme | Whole-school performance workshops

When children approach a topic through drama they experience it first-hand. Drama workshops take a cross-curricular approach to subjects such as Literacy, History and PSHE. They enable children to develop their confidence and performance skills while developing their understanding of the books and topics they are learning about in the classroom.

Class-by-class workshops enable each group to go in-depth into topics such as fairytales, climate change or Shakespeare. Session lengths vary by workshop, but tend to run from 35 - 50 minutes for KS1 or 40 - 90 minutes for KS2.

At certain times of year we also run day-long workshops for the whole school. Children work class-by-class on different elements of a topic such as Shakespeare or World War One, culminating in a performance by the children to each other.

You can learn more about the different workshop options below and make an enquiry on their respective pages. For the most accurate information we recommend getting in touch through one of our enquiry forms, but for general information you can visit our FAQs page.


Story Explorer

Explore a story first-hand through drama. Get inside the minds of the characters and walk through the story’s world. Story Explorer options range from popular children’s books to fairytales which you can explore with Nursery to Year 6.


Shakespeare’s plays were written to be performed. Children develop creative ownership and confidence with language and performance as they explore Shakespeare’s most famous plays. Suitable for Reception to Year 6.

Poetry and Poppies

Part history, part performance and part literature, Poetry and Poppies investigates one of our most important historical events from a drama-based perspective, inspired by the poets of the Great War. Perfect for Year 1 to Year 6.

Drama workshops by theme


Explore books, poetry and Shakespeare.

Story Explorer

Explore a book or fairytale first-hand, using drama exercises to get inside the minds of the characters and walk through the story’s world.

Poetry Explorer

Engage with the world of the poem in a fun, imaginative and active way, developing confidence alongside physical literacy.

Shakespeare Explorer

Choose between Shakespeare’s most famous plays to explore through drama. Children develop creative ownership and confidence.

Christmas Drama Workshop

Explore the classic tale of A Christmas Carol, or be enchanted by The Snow Queen.


Delve into the past from a new perspective.

History Explorer

Help our Time Traveller navigate their way back through time to explore topics from The Stone Age to the Gunpowder Plot.

Poetry and Poppies
World War One

Investigate one of our most important historical events from a drama-based perspective, inspired by the poets of the Great War.

The Diwali Story: The Ramayana

Imagine, create and step into the world of the Ramayana story using techniques drawn from drama and professional theatre. 


Develop self expression and community

Emotion Explorer: Drama and Wellbeing

Empower children to feel confident in recognising, sharing and expressing their feelings.

Our World, Our Future
Climate Change

Investigate one of the most important issues in the world today from an interactive, drama-based perspective.


Spread a positive and inclusive anti-bullying message and use drama techniques alongside examples from children’s books.

Whole-school performance workshops

At certain times of year we also deliver workshops that build to a performance by the whole school.

Shakespeare Today

Imagine the children of your school joining together to perform a Shakespeare play to each other – and the whole process, including preparation, only taking one day! Children work class-by-class to explore the story and characters of your chosen play through drama.

Poetry and Poppies Today

Bring your whole school together to celebrate Remembrance with this day-long workshop that uses theatrical techniques to explore the people and stories of the Great War. At the end of the day, all classes who have taken part come together to perform to each other, with the final performance presenting a chronological exploration of the war.