Dance Today - whole school performance workshops

Reception - Year 6
Led by a professional dancer
Whole school performance in one day
Literacy, World Book Day
Delivered in your school hall

Bring your whole school together for a 'dance-in-a-day' performance

Imagine the children of your school joining together to perform an exciting, vibrant version of Alice in Wonderland or Pinocchio – and the whole process, including preparation, only taking one day!

Perfect for any occasion, your children will work class-by-class throughout the day to explore your chosen story and characters through dance. They are guided by an expert facilitator who will encourage them to use their creativity and imaginations, with each session tailored for the age of the children.

At the end of the day, all classes who have taken part come together to share what they have worked on, culminating in an abridged version of your chosen story which they perform to each other.

Working collaboratively, your children will develop their physical literacy, creative expression and communication skills, and experience performing in a way they will never forget.

The day-long workshop is perfect for:

  • A one form entry school from Reception to Year 6

  • 5 or 6 KS2 classes

  • World Book Day or end of term celebrations

For two or three form entry schools we work across multiple days. If you’d like us to work with a smaller number of classes or KS1 only, check out our Bringing Books to Life dance workshops.

Created by:
Abigail Rosser
Find out more about our creatives.


  • We run seven sessions throughout the day for groups of up to 30 children per session.
  • If Reception are not taking part, we can run 6 sessions for Years 1 - 6, or can work with six KS2 classes. To cover the material we need at least three classes from KS2.
  • The day culminates in a final performance involving all the groups.
  • To work with more classes we can visit across multiple days.
  • We will send you a suggested timetable when you enquire.

  • To deepen engagement with the story by experiencing it first-hand.
  • Develop creative ownership and the imagination by working alongside a professional dancer-choreographer.
  • Gain confidence in physical literacy as an expression of meaning and emotion.
  • Take part in a shared performance of a classic story, created by and with their peers.

Our Dance Today workshops are available year round; however, if you're interested in a dance storytelling workshop for fewer classes or for KS1 only, then we'd love to visit you with one of our standalone Bringing Books to Life workshops.

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